synonyms of eat

6 More Ways to Say Eat in English

Let’s eat!

English and food have something very important in common: variety! Having a choice of food to eat is very important because, after all, you don’t want to eat the same food every day, right? That goes for English too! You don’t want to say the same thing in a situation every time, right? Without variety, food and English both become boring. So in this article we’ll look at 6 more ways to say eat in English to spice up your conversations.

Word List

Here are 6 more ways to say eat in English that we’ll use in this article. We’ll separate them into three sections: eating a little, eating a lot and making sound when you eat.

Eat a little

  • nibble
  • gnaw

Eat a lot

  • devour
  • gorge

Eat with sound

  • crunch
  • slurp

Of course there are a lot more than 6 synonyms to say eat, but we’ll stick with these for now.

Don’t Forget

Check out the course at the end of the article to learn and practice even more ways to say eat and join our online conversation classes to use your new vocabulary with us live!

Pronunciation Practice

Easy Examples

More Ways to Say Eat a Little


Video by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Examples of nibble

  1. The squirrel nibbles a nut.
  2. The squirrel is nibbling a nut.
  3. The squirrel nibbles on a nut.

Grammar (third person)

  1. Present simple (nibbles)
  2. Present continuous (is nibbling)
  3. Phrasal verb (nibbles on)


Video by Pol Ororo from Pexels

Examples of gnaw

  1. The dog gnaws a branch.
  2. The dog is gnawing a branch.
  3. The dog gnaws on a branch.

Grammar (third person)

  1. Present simple (gnaws)
  2. Present continuous (is gnawing)
  3. Phrasal verb (gnaws on)

More Ways to Say Eat a Lot


Video by Michael Herren from Pexels

Examples of devour

  1. The egret devours a fish.
  2. The egret is devouring a fish.
  3. The egret devoured a fish.

Grammar (third person)

  1. Present simple (devours)
  2. Present continuous (is devouring)
  3. Past tense (devoured)


Video by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Examples of gorge

  1. The man gorges a hamburger.
  2. The man is gorging a hamburger.
  3. The man gorged on a hamburger.

Grammar (third person)

  1. Present simple (gorges)
  2. Present continuous (is gorging)
  3. Past tense, phrasal verb (gorged on)

More Ways to Say Eat with Sound


Video by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

Examples of crunch

  1. The woman crunches a chip.
  2. The woman is crunching a chip.
  3. The woman likes to crunch chips.

Grammar (third person)

  1. Present simple (crunches)
  2. Present continuous (is crunching)
  3. “Like to” infinitive (likes to crunch)


Clue (film) – 1985 – Paramount Pictures

Examples of slurp

  1. The man and woman slurp soup.
  2. The man and woman are slurping soup.
  3. The man and woman slowly slurp soup.

Grammar (third person)

  1. Present simple (slurp)
  2. Present continuous (are slurping)
  3. Alliteration (slowly slurp soup)

6 More Examples with Different Grammar

Examples of nibble

  1. I nibbled on a piece of licorice.
  2. I was gnawing on beef jerky for 30 minutes.
  3. I am going to devour a whole pizza.
  4. I gorged great grilled garlic bread.
  5. I should crunch one chip at a time.
  6. I slurp my noodles loudly.

Grammar (third person)

  1. Past simple (nibbled)
  2. Past continuous (was gnawing)
  3. Simple future (am going to devour)
  4. Alliteration (gorged great grilled garlic)
  5. Recommendation (should crunch)
  6. Adverb description (slurp loudly)

That was delicious

I hope you enjoyed these other ways to say eat in English. Remember that word variety will really spice up your conversations, just like good food! Don’t worry about memorizing everything, just keep practicing variety until you get comfortable and use this new English vocabulary naturally.

It’s time for dessert, go on!

Now that you’re done this article, check out the course. We have even more ways to say eat, plus lessons on grammar, and activities to practice using the new vocabulary. You will also be able to ask questions, make your own sentences and conversation, and prepare for a live lesson with us! Hope to see you soon and buon appetito!

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